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How to start

All requests to the 3Commas API require authentication unless explicitly stated.

Get Your 3Commas API Key

We offer two ways to generate API Key:

  • System generated
  • Self-generated using an RSA asymmetric encryption method
We recommend the second method as it provides a more secure connection for your apps.

Create Signature

SIGNED endpoints require an additional Signature header to ensure the authenticity of the request.

Signed Endpoint

To authenticate, pass your 3Commas API Key and the Signature header in the request.

Test authentication

The quickest way to test your authentication setup is by sending a request to the /ver1/validate endpoint. This endpoint verifies the validity of your API credentials and returns the status of your authentication.

API credentials validity check


If successful, 3Commas returns:

"valid": true

If authentication fails, 3Commas returns a 401 Unauthorized error with the following payload:

"error": "signature_invalid",
"error_description": "Provided signature is invalid"