Available strategy list
/ver1/bots/strategy_listReturns available strategy list for DCA Bot. Use the query parameters to page through results.
Query Parameters
Unique 3Commas ID of the exchange account entity.
Use the List of connected exchanges and wallets endpoint to retrieve the value for the account_id
Specifies the strategy direction for the bot.
Hide allowed valuesShow allowed values
- long - a strategy focused on buying low and selling high
- short - a strategy focused on selling high and buying low
- 200 OK
"manual": {
"strategy_type": "signal",
"payed": false,
"beta": false,
"name": "Manually/API (Bot won't open new trades automatically)"
"tv_custom_signal": {
"strategy_type": "signal",
"payed": false,
"beta": false,
"name": "Trading View custom signal"
"rsi": {
"name": "RSI",
"payed": false,
"beta": false,
"strategy_type": "indicator",
"options": {
"time": {
"3m": "3 minutes",
"5m": "5 minutes",
"15m": "15 minutes",
"30m": "30 minutes",
"1h": "1 hour",
"4h": "4 hours",
"1d": "1 day",
"2h": "2 hours",
"8h": "8 hours",
"3d": "3 days",
"1w": "1 week"
"points": null,
"trigger_condition": {
"less": "less",
"greater": "greater",
"crossing_above": "crossing_down",
"crossing_below": "crossing_up"
"time_period": null
"accounts_whitelist": [