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Get the list of DCA Bots

Permission: BOTS_READ
Security: SIGNED

Returns a list of DCA Bots by user. Use the query parameters to filter the results.

Query Parameters


Filters entities linked to the specified 3Commas exchange account.

Use endpoint User connected exchanges and wallets list to get value for parameter.


Filters bots by trading strategy type: long or short.


Sets the direction of order ASC or DESC.

default: DESC

More attributes

Example Request


Response Parameters

If successful, the response includes copies of the DCA Bot entity.

Example Response

"id": 15565014,
"account_id": 32199203,
"is_enabled": true,
"max_safety_orders": 3,
"active_safety_orders_count": 3,
"pairs": [
"strategy_list": [
"options": {},
"strategy": "nonstop"
"close_strategy_list": [
"options": {
"time": "3m",
"points": "70",
"time_period": "7",
"trigger_condition": "greater"
"strategy": "rsi"
"safety_strategy_list": [],
"max_active_deals": 1,
"active_deals_count": 1,
"deletable?": false,
"created_at": "2024-10-24T21:53:26.994Z",
"updated_at": "2024-10-30T06:11:52.685Z",
"trailing_enabled": null,
"tsl_enabled": false,
"deal_start_delay_seconds": null,
"stop_loss_timeout_enabled": false,
"stop_loss_timeout_in_seconds": 0,
"disable_after_deals_count": null,
"deals_counter": null,
"allowed_deals_on_same_pair": null,
"easy_form_supported": false,
"close_deals_timeout": null,
"url_secret": "...",
"take_profit_steps": [],
"name": "20 oct number 2",
"take_profit": "0.0",
"min_profit_percentage": "2.0",
"base_order_volume": "50.0",
"safety_order_volume": "15.0",
"safety_order_step_percentage": "1.0",
"take_profit_type": "base",
"min_profit_type": "base_order_volume",
"type": "Bot::SingleBot",
"martingale_volume_coefficient": "1.7",
"martingale_step_coefficient": "4.0",
"stop_loss_percentage": "0.0",
"cooldown": "300",
"btc_price_limit": "0.0",
"strategy": "long",
"min_volume_btc_24h": "0.0",
"profit_currency": "quote_currency",
"min_price": null,
"max_price": null,
"stop_loss_type": "stop_loss",
"safety_order_volume_type": "quote_currency",
"base_order_volume_type": "quote_currency",
"account_name": "Paper Account 1251857",
"trailing_deviation": "0.2",
"finished_deals_profit_usd": "4.12902028",
"finished_deals_count": "4",
"leverage_type": "not_specified",
"leverage_custom_value": null,
"start_order_type": "limit",
"active_deals_usd_profit": "-7.006519044",
"reinvesting_percentage": "100.0",
"risk_reduction_percentage": "0.0",
"reinvested_volume_usd": null,
"min_price_percentage": null,
"max_price_percentage": null